The artist is Grigoryev
This portrait was made during the years of emigration. Boris Grigoryev lived in France and regularly visited America. During the trip of 1932, he met with Nikolai Remizov, who lived in the United States and worked on ballet performances for various theaters. Boris Grigoryev was familiar with Nikolai Remizov even by joint work in St. Petersburg in the 1910s, where “the poet of human ugliness, human vulgarity and dirty tricks-tall, thin, was restrained by a member of the editorial board of Satyricon magazine. Later their paths intersected in the 1920s in Paris. According to the memoirs of the artist’s son, Kirill Grigoryev, his father, returning from a trip to America, said that he had been to Remizovs and wrote a portrait of Remizov with his wife. The author of Grigoriev was affected by the Painting of the Painting of the Vraminka. A different form and texture of the smear appeared, plastic of the picturesque surface in general has changed. Grigoryev included this work in his personal exhibition in New York (1935). (A. N.).
Remizov (re-mi, Vasiliev) Nikolai Vladimirovich (1887–1975)-painter, caricaturer, scenographer, film designer.
Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 236.