The artist is Svarog
On August 30, 1918, an attempt was made on Lenin: he was seriously wounded by several shots, made, according to the doubtful official version, Socialist -Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan. This gave rise to a campaign of mass “red terror”. And this is the fatal way in the future reflected in the health of the leader. In May 1922, Lenin overtook the first severe attack of the disease, and a year later he was forced to move to Gorka near Moscow because of a sharp deterioration in his health. There he dictated his latest articles there, and there he was visited by the party comrades, a number of which he gave an unpleasant characteristic in his famous “letter to the congress” (there is a version that this was a “dictated” letter by Krupskaya herself). Svarog’s composition is based on famous photos taken in the hills. The artist depicts a meeting of two leaders in the traditions of the Russian pleiner, close to moderate impressionism: a terrace with wicker chairs, a peaceful manor landscape. The last walks of Lenin and the transfer of the authorities take place in the scenery worthy of sentimental landscapes. The glare of the sun is dancing on a white jacket of Stalin and bypass the figure of Lenin, ready to move into the shadows. As in most similar plots, Stalin embodies activity, activity, pressure. The type of thinker and mentor is presented in Lenin. (L. Sh.)
Left below: in. Svarog 1938.
Electronic catalog “Heroes and villains of Russian history”. SPb, 2010. WITH. 407.