The artist is Nesterov
The artist conceived this portrait at the very beginning of 1928. Regarding his work on him, he jokingly remarked: “We will see what will come out at the most“ biased ”painter to me – Nesterov”. By mid -February, the picture was completed, and the master was satisfied with the result. During this period, the artist seriously worked on his memories, wrote and reflected a lot about art, the work of his contemporaries, and conducted extensive correspondence with his biographers and large cultural figures. Perhaps because the portrait is such a gathering, thorny look, in which the sharpness and dynamism of his character, huge creative experience and the bitter burden of losses. Despite his age, Mikhail Vasilievich worked hard, and his portrait creativity had a huge impact on the young generation of painters. (A. N.).
Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 190.