The artist is Malagis
“To the death of Clara Zetkin”-a picture-will. In it, the reception found in the early still life of Malagis, dedicated to death in the early still life of.AND. Lenin – a still life motive with a newspaper in a mourning frame. However, now the artist sets more complex picturesque and plastic tasks, he manages to find a non-trivial multifaceted compositional construction, including a still life in the foreground, a mirror as a border between the real and the “vocal” world-on the second and the self-portrait, visible in the mirror and existing in the third way.
Clara Zetkin (nee Essner, 1857–1933) – German politician, figure of the German and international communist movement, one of the founders of the Communist Party of Germany, activist of the struggle for women’s rights. Died at 2 a.m. June 20, 1933 in Arkhangelsk near Moscow. After death, it is cremated, the ashes are placed in the urn in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow.